6 Tips That Will Help You Achieve Goals As A Small Business Owner
The adage "time is money" is especially true for small businesses. Whether you are meeting with a potential client, planning your next marketing campaign, or discussing new product ideas, it's important to make every second as efficient as possible.
5 Tips That Will Help You Overcome a Creative Block
Being in the zone all the time is no easy task. Creativity takes effort and practice, but it's not something you either have or don't have. It's a long battle and research shows that you actually improve through trial and error.
So, before you close your laptop and call it a day, check out these tips that will help you exercise your creative muscle. Your best idea just needs a little push!
Does My Business Need a Website?
It’s 2021, the internet is thriving and so are small businesses that are utilizing all it has to offer. There is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Business, directory sites, and a plethora of other ways to promote your business online. So, with all those options do you really even need a website?
The TLDR answer is yes. It is literally that simple.
Choosing the best social media platforms for your small business
How do you choose which social media platform is right for you? Understanding the top social media platforms, building a social media marketing strategy, and identifying your target audience will allow you to be successful in choosing the best social channels for your small business.
5 Tips To Be More Productive Working From Home
These are unprecedented times. COVID-19 has already changed so many lives and will be talked about for years to come. It’s a true “when I was your age” story to tell our grandchildren. But for now, we are looking for ways to carry on. As small business owners, we can’t stop working just because of social distancing. So, our Red 11 Media team has pulled together 3 tips for running your business remotely.
Lead Generation: How to Bring in More Business
Lead generation is something all small businesses need and it doesn’t always come easily. Whether you know the term, you are certainly familiar with the concept. So, what is lead generation? “It's a way of warming up potential customers to your business and getting them on the path to eventually buying.”
Printing for Small Business: A Hack to Save You Hundreds
We recently found out about a new solution to a problem we didn't know we had: HP Instant Ink. HP quietly put fancy tech in their newest printers so that the printers could spy on us! The printers now know when we're running low on ink and, if you set up an HP Instant Ink account, automatically send you ink cartridges before you run out.
Building a Website? You’ll Need a Simple Brand Kit
Companies everywhere use brand kits to make sure that their visual messaging stays consistent. Big corporations probably have brand kits that are hundreds of pages long with details on how to handle the most specific situations. They’ve paid people to spend weeks and weeks to figure out all the most boring aspects related to branding.
The Best Social Media Scheduling Software for 2021
The world of social media is ever-changing, constant improvement and updates keep us on our toes! It is undeniably important to keep yourself organized while managing clients’ social media. A straightforward, yet versatile and sophisticated social media scheduler is the foundation of a successful marketing campaign.